I feel called to teach this incredibly powerful sequence of breathing techniques to take you into
What does that mean "GREAT VOID"?
It is a way to express the experience of an evaporated negative mind thus creating coherence between the heart, body & mind.
Most of us are living and trying to function successfully in a very stressful, overwhelmed state.
ANXIETY, not sleeping well, running from here to there, feeling of deep frustration at the drop of a hat. Does this ring a bell for you?
Is this what you feel more often than you want to & can not seem to break the cycle?
Save the DATE SEPT 18th 3:00 at Breathe Salt Yoga studio in Jupiter.
I will teach a sequence of breathing techniques that will help you to STOP the mind from thinking so you can feel again. These techniques will guide you into feelings that allows you to experience the essence of you ( that space within you that is sacred, sweet, authentic & totally loving to you)
When you experience this self love you will come into an experience that melts away all that troubles into feeling a warm cozy self love that can not be expressed through words.
This is will assist you into remembering the essence of you.
This is a Reboot, Revive, Renew!
$25.00 pp
www.breathsaltyoga.com to register