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You can transform your life. . .

Regardless of your age, physical abilities and challenges or prior experience with yoga, Tracey can help you advance on your path towards wellness as she has with so very many others.
Take just a few minutes to view her healing presence and teachings in the videos below.

Gentle . . . loving . . . and transforming are just three of the words you're likely to use when you watch this video featuring Tracey O'Hara as she guides you on your path towards wellness.


This transcendent, healing yoga session is unlike anything you are likely to have imagined. This is not an exercise class, this is a healing session involving just you and Tracey.

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Whether you you simply want to feel your very best or you suffer with acute anxiety or the depths of depression, you'll find that Tracey can put you, and keep you, on a path towards wellness.


No prior experience with yoga is needed.


Follow along at your own rate . . . you can even sit quietly in a chair without moving and simply visualize yourself doing every move and still benefit

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This video is the perfect 25 minute daily yoga practice for those with a physical or behavioral challenge on their path towards wellness.


What makes this video so very special is the fact that it was developed by Tracey O'Hara for her own recovery from post traumatic stress disorder and alcoholism.


The practice includes just five simple movements which are best done at your own speed.

Visit Yoga On the Path Towards Wellness to learn more about the healing power of yoga as well as to view even more of Tracey's instructional videos and what her clients have to say about the healing they are experiencing under Tracey's guidance.

Quicktip Series: Take just a very few minutes daily to effect real change in your life.

Yoga for Radiant Beauty


Alternate nostril breathing demonstration


Root Lock/ Mula-bandha


Sat Kriya


Deborah on Tracey O'Hara


Laya Kriya


Managing High Blood Pressure


Breath of Fire demonstration


Breaking the Chains; A Kundalini Yoga Heart Kria


Locating the 3rd Eye Point


Recharging your battery


Hast Kriya : Earth to Heaven


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